31 maggio 2011

TREASURY CHALLENGE #5 - Etsy's 6th Birthday

And the winner of the fourth treasury challenge dedicated to taste test is..

E il vincitore del quarto treasury challenge dedicato al taste test è..


Welcome to the 5° edition of treasury challenge! Every two weeks, we organize a challenge in which everyone (not only EIT members!) can take part.
The aim of the Game is creating a treasury and, above all, having a lot of fun! Plus, you get the chance to win a prize: the winner will be included in 10 different treasury lists curated by members of Etsy Italia Team!

The topic of this challenge is:

Benvenuti alla quinta edizione del treasury challenge! Ogni due settimane circa si terrà un concorso a tema a cui tutti (non solo i membri di EIT, quindi!) potete partecipare.
Lo scopo del gioco è creare una treasury per divertirci insieme. In più c'è un premio in palio: il vincitore avrà un posto assicurato in 10 treasury diverse fatte da membri dell'Etsy Italia Team!

Il tema di questo round è:


Rules to take part in the challenge:
1) Create a treasury dedicated to Etsy, Birthdays and/or DIY;
2) In the field for the Curator’s comments, enter:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/05/treasury-challenge-5-etsys-6th-birthday.html
3) Tag your treasury with these three tags: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge" and "etsy birthday";
4) Add your comments to at least 4 treasury lists of shops taking part in the challenge. To find these, take a look at the end of this post;

Regole per prendere parte al gioco:
1) creare una treasury dedicata a Etsy, ai Compleanni e/o al Fai-Da-Te;
2) nel campo dedicato al commento del curatore, inserite la frase:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/05/treasury-challenge-5-etsys-6th-birthday.html
3) taggate la vostra treasury con questi tre tag obbligatori: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge" e "etsy birthday";
4) commentate almeno altre 4 treasury che partecipano al challenge, per trovarle date un'occhiata alla fine di questo post;

Deadline for submitting your Treasury:
June 6th, 23:00 (CET)
If you want to take part, send a convo to CloudNumberNine giving the link to your treasury and the nicknames of the 4 treasury lists you have commented. After that you can also add your link in our linky tool at the end of this post (please, use your nickname as submission title).

May the challenge begin! Have fun!

Termine ultimo per inviare la vostra Treasury:
6 Giugno, ore 23 (CET - ora italiana)
Per inviare la vostra adesione, mandate una convo a CloudNumberNine specificando il link della vostra treasury e i nickname dei curatori delle 4 treasury che avete commentato. Fatto questo potete aggiungere la vostra treasury in fondo a questo post grazie al linky tool (per favore, scrivete il vostri nickname come titolo per l'invio).

Buon Divertimento!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

29 maggio 2011

EIT for charity: northern Italy earthquake

[Versione in italiano]

Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist

In the second half of May, northern Italy was hit by a series of earthquakes of considerable magnitude.

The most affected area is the region of Emilia Romagna, between Modena and Ferrara, where many monuments, schools, public buildings and even factories have collapsed, leading to today, May 31, to these numbers of casualties: at least 24 26 people killed, about 350 people injured, about 15000 17000 evacuee (updated to June the 8th), without considering the incalculable damage to the historical, artistic and cultural heritage.


Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist

Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist

The earthquakes and the collapses go on as the number of displaced people increases: just when people were going to return to their homes after days in the tents, there has been another earthquake (May 29), that caused new victims and the collapse of buildings already damaged from the previous one and also a lot of fear, especially for those who had at last spent their first night at home. The nightmare never seems to end.

The EtsyItaliaTeam wants to contribute by donating the beautiful creations of its members for sale in its charity shop. The proceeds will be donated to region of Emilia Romagna that can use them where necessary to help.

Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist

Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist


We are also considering other organizations and depending on the proceeds we will donate for other projects.
If you are an EtsyItalia team member and you want to donate an item for the charity shop, just follow these instructions.

Photo by Guiccio @fogscientist

Update: May 30 - 27 sold items, near 300€ revenue to donate (net of Etsy and PayPal taxes).
Update: May 31 - 53 sold items, about 670€ revenue to donate (net of Etsy and PayPal taxes).
Update: June 1 - 119 donated items, 55 sold items, about 690€ revenue to donate  (net of Etsy and PayPal taxes), 8 countries involved.
Update: June 4 - 142 donated items, 87 sold items, about 960€ revenue to donate  (net of Etsy and PayPal taxes), 11 countries involved.
Update: June 8 - 162 donated items, 99 sold items, about 1133€ revenue to donate (net of Etsy and PayPal taxes), 11 countries involved.
Update: June 17 - 173 donated items, 116 sold items, about 1312€ revenue to donate (net of Etsy and Paypal taxes), 13 countries involved.

The first 700€ are going to be donated to Regione Emilia Romagna, as written in the post above.

We thank every crafter and artist who donated their works with such generosity, every person who bought from the EIT shop and every and each kind soul who's spreading the word about this. Grazie! :)

Past found-rising:
- Five Land's Flood (Oct 2011- Feb 2012)
- GECA Onlus (2011 Jul-Sep)

More photos on the photo gallery by Fogscientist

All Photos belong to their owners, to remove them don't hesitate to contact us.

26 maggio 2011

Weekly finds!

Dress 50's style by Artdesia
Little Square Earrings by Fery
Bach Italian Concerto Sheet Music Ring by art925
The house from PSYCHO by Pollaz

collage created by EtherealFlowers

If you are an EtsyItaliaTeam member you can add your 'Weekly Finds' mosaic hosted on your blog, Facebook account or Twitter!
Se sei membro dell'EtsyItaliaTeam puoi aggiungere il tuo mosaico ospitato sul tuo blog o account Facebook o Twitter!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

24 maggio 2011

TREASURY CHALLENGE #4 - Vote your favourite!

We have a great selection of lovely treasury dedicated to Taste Test Tool, take a look, choose your favourite and invite your friends! You can vote until May 30th, 23:00 (CET).

Avete realizzato una bellissima selezione di treasury tutte dedicate al Tool del Taste Test, guardatele attentamente e scegliete la più bella! Avete tempo per votare fino al 30 Maggio alle 23:00 (ora italiana).

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

23 maggio 2011

The winner of the Challenge and the new theme!

EtherealFlowers is the winner of the challenge Illusion, with this wonderful and whimsical wall art: This is not a necklace.

EtherealFlowers è la vincitrice del challenge Illusione, con questa bella e fantasiosa wall art: Questa non è una collana.

The new theme: Music!
As you know, we have changed the rules of the game and now it's more fun! You can win a feature on this blog and you'll be included in the post " We find for you " that will be published on thursday following the announcement of the winner!
So  EtherealFlowers choosed the new theme: Music!
So, what are you waiting for? Let's play the game!!

The new rules:

-you have to be a member of Etsy Italia Team;

-you have to create a new item inspired by the theme of the challenge, and you have to list it in your Etsy shop;

-you have to list your new item on 13th of June;

-the game starts now and will end at 22.00 of June 13th;

- convo me your entry (the link of your list on Etsy) at I bijoux dello Stregatto on Etsy;

- from 15th June to 21th June you can vote your favorite item. On the 22th of June we'll announce the winner.


Il nuovo tema: Musica!
Abbiamo cambiato le regole del gioco e adesso partecipare sarà più divertente! Potete vincere una feature su questo blog e sarete inclusi nel post "We find for you" che sarà pubblicato il giovedì successivo alla proclamazione del vincitore!

Abbiamo anche un'altra novità: IL VINCITORE SCEGLIERA' IL NUOVO TEMA!
EtherealFlowers ha scelto, e il nuovo tema è: Musica!
Cosa aspettate? Partecipate al gioco!!

Le nuove regole:

-devi essere un membro dell' Etsy Italia Team;

-devi creare un nuovo oggetto ispirato al tema e metterlo in vendita nel tuo negozio Etsy;

-devi mettere in vendita il tuo oggetto il 13 Giugno;

-il gioco inizia ora e treminerà il 13 Giugno alle 22.00;

-mandami una convo su Etsy con il link alla tua creazione a :
I bijoux dello Stregatto;

-dal 15 al 21 Giugno puoi votare il tuo oggetto preferito;

-il 22 Giugno proclameremo il vincitore.

Buon divertimento!

19 maggio 2011

Weekly Finds!

Blue teal dress for momoko - by leananshide75
dewdrop ring - by nanofactory
Pillow cover, starfish - by EarthLab
Aqua flower bobby pins set - Etherealflowers

If you are an EtsyItaliaTeam member you can add your 'Weekly Finds' mosaic.
Se sei membro dell'EtsyItaliaTeam puoi aggiungere il tuo mosaico ospitato sul tuo blog o account Facebook o Twitter!

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16 maggio 2011

The Challenge: Illusion!

A beautiful theme for our monthly challenge, choosen by Madaboutpink: Illusion.
Take a look and choose your favorite creation: you can vote until 21st of May at 10.00 PM!
Buon divertimento!

Un bellissimo tema per il nostro challenge mensile, scelto da Madaboutpink: Illusioni.
Segliete la vostra creazione preferita: potete votare fino al 21 maggio alle 22.00!

 1 - Nanofactory - Dewdrop ring

 2 - Mairitales - Eating the future - Miniature

13 maggio 2011

In diretta dal Faenas Cafè

Broadcasting Live with Ustream.TV

12 maggio 2011

Weekly Finds!

Flower pillow in cotton "Ebe" - by ShowerFlower
Millefiori earrings - by VeraCreations
Green Ibiscus printed card - by Valeriatelier
Ring in a jar Alice in Wonderland - by Madaboutpink

Collage created by babu106

If you are an EtsyItaliaTeam member you can add your 'Weekly Finds' mosaic hosted on your blog, Facebook account or Twitter!
Se sei membro dell'EtsyItaliaTeam puoi aggiungere il tuo mosaico ospitato sul tuo blog o account Facebook o Twitter!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

10 maggio 2011


And the winner of the second treasury challenge dedicated to outdoor weddings is..

E il vincitore del secondo treasury challenge dedicato ai matrimoni all'aperto è..


Welcome to the 4° edition of treasury challenge! Every two weeks, we organize a challenge in which everyone (not only EIT members!) can take part.
The aim of the Game is creating a treasury and, above all, having a lot of fun! Plus, you get the chance to win a prize: the winner will be included in 10 different treasury lists curated by members of Etsy Italia Team!

The topic of this challenge is:

Benvenuti alla quarta edizione del treasury challenge! Ogni due settimane circa si terrà un concorso a tema a cui tutti (non solo i membri di EIT, quindi!) potete partecipare.
Lo scopo del gioco è creare una treasury per divertirci insieme. In più c'è un premio in palio: il vincitore avrà un posto assicurato in 10 treasury diverse fatte da membri dell'Etsy Italia Team!

Il tema di questo round è:


Rules to take part in the challenge:
1) Create a treasury by using Taste Test: http://www.etsy.com/tastetest
2) In the field for the Curator’s comments, enter:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/05/treasury-challenge-4-etsy-taste-test.html
3) Tag your treasury with these three tags: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge" and "taste test";
4) Add your comments to at least 4 treasury lists of shops taking part in the challenge. To find these, take a look at the end of this post;

Regole per prendere parte al gioco:
1) creare una treasury usando il Taste Test: http://www.etsy.com/tastetest
2) nel campo dedicato al commento del curatore, inserite la frase:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/05/treasury-challenge-4-etsy-taste-test.html
3) taggate la vostra treasury con questi tre tag obbligatori: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge" e "taste test";
4) commentate almeno altre 4 treasury che partecipano al challenge, per trovarle date un'occhiata alla fine di questo post;

Deadline for submitting your Treasury:
May 17th, 23:00 (CET)
If you want to take part, send a convo to CloudNumberNine giving the link to your treasury and the nicknames of the 4 treasury lists you have commented. After that you can also add your link in our linky tool at the end of this post (please, use your nickname as submission title).

May the challenge begin! Have fun!

Termine ultimo per inviare la vostra Treasury:
17 Maggio, ore 23 (CET - ora italiana)
Per inviare la vostra adesione, mandate una convo a CloudNumberNine specificando il link della vostra treasury e i nickname dei curatori delle 4 treasury che avete commentato. Fatto questo potete aggiungere la vostra treasury in fondo a questo post grazie al linky tool (per favore, scrivete il vostri nickname come titolo per l'invio).

Buon Divertimento!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

5 maggio 2011

Weekly Finds!

Our classic Thursday appointment, 'We Find For You', is now 'Weekly Finds'. Ok, let's face it: only the name is different :D Obviously it is still more than just a weekly showcase of items from our Team's artists and creates a network among our members' blogs that you are free to browse and read.
We'll be back each Thursday, so stay tuned ;)

Questa settimana il tradizionale appuntamento del giovedì, il "We Find For You", diventa "Weekly Finds". In effetti l'unico cambiamento, per ora, è solo il nome. Resta comunque molto più di una semplice vetrina settimanale delle creazioni dei membri del nostro team, dato che crea una rete tra i nostri blog dando a ognuno di voi la possibilità di scoprirli e leggerli.
Torneremo con i Weekly Finds ogni settimana, quindi non mancate!

Handmade Wedding Place Cards - by InnamorataItaly
Small Flowers Confetti - by Inkcafe
Black Taupe and cream Geometric Dress - by Nivule
Lilac and GrassGreen spiral Felt Trivet - by Ladaridari

If you are an EtsyItaliaTeam member you can add your 'Weekly Finds' mosaic.
Se sei membro dell'EtsyItaliaTeam puoi aggiungere il tuo mosaico ospitato sul tuo blog o account Facebook o Twitter!

Collage created by Kosmika
Collage creato da Kosmika

Aggiungi qui i tuoi Weekly Finds!

(nel collage includi membri 3-6 membri del team e metti il link al tuo post)


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1 maggio 2011

Offerte faenas

Offerte speciali per tutti coloro che sono stati al Faenas Cafè!
Valide dal 13 Maggio al 13 Giugno 2011

Cooking With The Crafters - Sacher Torte

 [Versione in Italiano] 
Which cake to prepare for a birthday party when the birthday boy is a boy of 40 years?
Obvious: 4 Sacher Torte!

To avoid mistakes I chose a recipe virtually infallible, my absolute favorite, the cake frosting that has that, in addition to having tastes great, has a perfect texture. Remains soft, shiny and makes it look nice, even a cake as ugly as mine!

The recipe comes from Francine of  CucinaConMe, I asked her to be able to publish here and she said yes.
I follow the recipe almost to the letter. I added a couple of changes dictated purely out of laziness, I will add in cursive, while the rest is written by Francine! :)


 For the base: 100 g butter, 90 g sugar, 4 eggs, 100 grams of flour, 1 pinch of baking powder, 100 grams of dark chocolate, salt.
To garnish: 150 g apricot jam.For the frosting: 6 cl of fresh cream, 75 gr of dark chocolate, 20 g butter, 20 grams of sugar.

For the base of the cake: 
Cut the butter into cubes and place in a bowl, preferably with high sides. Leave at room temperature for half an hour (I lazy, I do run 7-8 seconds in the microwave ...), then beat with electric mixer, adding a little at a time half the sugar.

 Continue beating at low speed, add the egg yolks 4. Add the flour mixed with baking powder, stirring with a spoon. Melt the chocolate and add to the mixture.

Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt and, when they are already firm, add the remaining sugar and continue whipping for half a minute. Gently mix together the egg whites, stirring from the bottom up.
Pour into a mold of about 20 cm in diameter (I use aluminum pans round because even if they give a slightly conical shape I find that conduct heat in the right way) greased and floured and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 40 - 45 minutes. Unmold and let cool, preferably on a wire rack.

The jam:

 Cut the cake into two horizontally. Spread half of jam on a disc and cover with the other half. To get a cake with a nice smooth surface with no "bumps", simply reversed the cake and presents the bottom up. Spread the jam remained on the surface. If the jam is too thick to be spread, you can heat it slightly or blend.

The icing:

Put the cream in a saucepan over low heat. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Wait 30 seconds and then return to the boil.
Turn off the heat immediately and add finely chopped chocolate, butter and icing sugar. Stir until you have achieved a smooth and homogeneous consistency.
Let the frosting cool, stirring with a spoon and pour it on the cake: Pour in the center after arranging the cake on a wire rack. When the icing begins to fall on the sides spread with a spatula or the back of a spoon to cover them well.

Store in refrigerator until ready to serve. 

With a spoonful of whipped cream as a side dish! (Otherwise there is no taste;))
Thanks Francine! :) 

Making of and Photos by Kosmika
Recipie by Francine 
English translation by Irene/InFire

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