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photo by MorganWillsDesign |
Fundraising report
Update September 20, 2016:
Saturday September 10th, the fundraising has closed.
Together we donated 298 handmade creations and raised a grand total of 2442 euros!
(editor's note: the sum has been made from receipt sent to Etsy Italia Team)
Donations have been made to the organizations we gathered below in this post; we are proud of these acts of generosity, made by and of what we can do the best: our creativity, our handmade creations and our hearts!
A HUGE thank you to all those who took part in the campaign by offering their creations or by buying from others. Thanks to all the customers, to who spread the word, to Atelier10 members who joined the campaign and all the American Etsy teams who helped by creating treasuries about the campaign. To all of you, THANK YOU! Your action, whatever small you think it was, meant a lot.
Now we hope the the material damages of the earthquake will be soon fixed, so the people of those villages can go back to their lives; as for the soul ones, we know it will take much longer.
Once again Italy has been shaken: there was a strong earthquake the night between 23rd & 24th August with its epicenter on the border between Lazio, Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo regions which seriously affected the small towns of Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata del tronto and Pescara del Tronto.
The earthquake swarm continues, and the surviving inhabitants find themselves without a roof over their heads, without basic necessities. While the search for survivors continues, we invite you and all creative people, to launched by an act of generosity which, though small actions, can bring big relief to those who now have lost everything in the disaster.
Our community of crafters, makers, creative and young new artisans is varied, spread throughout Italy and the world but, thanks to the Internet we can still do something. With an apparently insignificant gesture we can be close to our compatriots in these days of hardship and pain.
Let’s gather around them in a virtual hug, making ourselves useful in some way and not leaving them alone.
Tweet: Crafters in solidarity w/central Italian earthquake victims: buy handmade & support http://bit.ly/aiutiterremoto #PrayForItaly
What you can do:
- BUY FROM CRAFTERS participating in the initiative, so that the proceeds will go to the charities working on the ground; look for the hashtags: #aiutiterremoto #Earthquakeaid on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and "Italy Earthquake Aid" and "Help Earthquake Italy", to find products to buy on Etsy and ALM.
- DONATE MONEY DIRECTLY to the following organizations:
-- City of Amatrice - BCC di Roma - IBAN IT13W0832773470000000005050 - BIC/SWIFT: ROMAITRR - Reason for payment "Contributo Sisma 2016"
-- City of Accumoli: Comune di Accumoli – Servizio Tesoreria - Iban: IT83 E030 6914 6011 0000 0046 108 - description “CONTRIBUTO SISMA AGOSTO 2016” (SWIFT/BIC: BCITITMM)
-- City of Arquata del Tronto: Comune di Arquata del Tronto - Intesa San Paolo Filiale di Arquata del Tronto - IBAN IT33W0306969370100000000246 - Reason for payment: "Solidarietà terremoto"
-- Marche Region: REG. MARCHE - IBAN: IT17Y0760102600001034116044 - BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX - Reason for payment: "DONAZ. FAVORE TERRITORI COLPITI SISMA 24 AGOSTO 2016". - Italian Red Cross: IBAN: IT38R0760103000000000900050-BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX - Recipient: Associazione Italiana della Croce Rossa - Reason for payment: "Poste Italiane con Croce Rossa Italiana - Terremoto Centro Italia" or go to their website to donate via PayPal (box on the right).
- Crowdfunding campaign Un aiuto al centro (Helping the centre) by Eppela, crowdfunding platform.
- Save the children: Banca popolare Etica IBAN IT60N0501803200000000118400 - Bic-Swift CCRTIT2T84A - Reason for payment: “Italy Earthquake”
- PURCHASE AN ETSY ITALIA TEAM PRODUCT : Visit the Team’s page to choose among products dedicated to this fundraiser. The entire amount (excluding shipping costs) will be donated to help the affected population. Check back often to see the new creations that are added.
Tweet: Crafters in solidarity w/central Italian earthquake victims: buy handmade & support http://bit.ly/aiutiterremoto #PrayForItaly
The promoters of this Initiative are HI!, Etsy
Team Italy, Gaia Segattini and Veronica De Angelis.
Ragazzi ho scoperto che si può donare a Croce Rossa Italiana anche tramite Paypal https://www.cri.it/flex/FixedPages/IT/DonaOra.php/L/IT/IDCausale/36/Importo/X/AltroImporto/100/Dona/Dona%20ora/BL/KnBhZ2VzL1NlcnZlQkxPQi5waHAvU1VfL3RlcnJlbW90by1jZW50cm8taXRhbGlh/X/1
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RispondiEliminaQuesto commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.
RispondiEliminaAwesome blog you have heree