23 aprile 2011

INTERVIEW: Getting to Know... LabSpace!

(versione in Italiano)

1. What's the name of your business, what do you create and sell?
My workshop is called LabSpace.

LAB: I like the idea of a LABoratory: where things are concocted in an almost chemical manner, where hands, heart and mind work together in mysterious ways and something gets invented or discovered by mixing ingredients and seeing what comes of it, in expected and unexpected ways. In fact, the more unexpected the result the more exciting it is for me.

SPACE: well, that is because I am always trying to find bubbles of space (mind-space, physical space, time-space) in the midst of my crowded and busy day. The name for my atelier also refers to Virtual Space, the internet, where there is ever more going on: I am trying to build my niche in this cyberspace, in my own humble and tiny way.

I mainly create little bags (this sprung from my own personal need to always carry my cellphone on me whilst protecting it from other objects) with leftover or recycled fabrics (torn jeans, old tablecloths, odds and bits found in GrandMa's drawers), sometimes with a theme to begin with, often by just letting the materials decide their own fate.

I started sewing a few years ago because I wanted to make clothes for my children. My mother gave me her old sewing-machine (which, incidentally, is exactly the same age as me!) and I took a course where I learnt to make skirts, shirts, trousers, simple evening dresses, even a jacket. I like to surprise my daughters with something we can't find in shops, like this dress I made for my 3rd daughter's 13th birthday:

Of course this leaves me with lots of strips of beautiful fabric, too little to make clothes with, but just perfect for crafting small pouches.

2. What are your inspirations in your art and life?

I like to always make the most of what I find around me, which I consider to be God-given, whether it is under the form of a blessing or a challenge. There is always the good and the bad side of things and persons. I like to focus on the positive, I think I do that spontaneously. So I usually go with the flow, and grab all those occasions that pop out at me. When something doesn't feel right, I stop and start something else.

My creative process is whimsical, fitful. I have very intense periods when ideas bubble and I stay up long hours riding endless waves of inspiration, then suddenly I can just stall as though the source has run dry, for no particular reason. I like to make one-of-a-kind items, so I find it tedious and very difficult to repeat something I have already made before. I am jealous of my work and have mixed feelings about parting with it, although it is very rewarding to know that it is appreciated by someone other than myself.

For example, this is a bag I made as a birthday present to a person who is a Pisces:

This is a bag I made toying with the theme of “folds”:

My creative inspiration can come from just about anything: an idea, a sound, a smell, a sense of joy or sadness...

3. Do you listen to music while you create? If so, what?
Ideally I would love to listen to music whilst creating. In practice, the children have broken my stereo and I am too lazy to face this fact and replace it. So my background soundtrack is made up of large-family-noise: voices, running foosteps, phones ringing, quarrels, requests, grumbles. And that's quite unique: you can't replay it, can't turn the volume up or down, change the CD or channel, and most of all, you cannot switch it off! But I really don't mind. It's just part of my life.

4. What is your studio or work space like?

I don't have a studio-space as such. It is sort of alongside the staircase, right in the middle of all the family-action. For some odd reason, that is where it came to be. It is definitely a strategic spot, one from which I can keep an eye on things (what's cooking in the kitchen, who is coming in or going out, what TV programme is on, etc.) whilst sewing a stitch.

My sewing machine shares the table with the mail, the family timetable, all the objects being dropped off by the rest of the family. Sometimes I need to halt, re-organize and reconquer my (lab)space!

5. What 3 things can't you live without?
My family, my rollerblades and all my books. And of course, God.

6. What is the best creative advice you have been given?

Make what you yourself would love to have, but cannot find. (I made that up myself! Not yet proven true commercially-speaking... but I'm loving it anyhow.)

7. What's new? Any products or projects you'd like to share?

I dreamt last night that I was about to give birth to quintuplets. I hope it wasn't a premonition. I think that the 5 children I that have are quite enough already. Yep, otherwise I wouldn't have any time left to make more bags!

I would like to share with you all my links, just in case you are curious for more:

_ this is my Etsy shop where I sell my pouches: www.labspace.etsy.com

_ to read more about my actual crafting go to my BLOG: http://labspaceworld.blogspot.com/

_ on my first ever private website you can see and read more about my clothes-making: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/lab.space/

_ in case you are curious about my architectural projects you can have a peep here: www.hg2.it

Of course I would much appreciate if you followed me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/_LabSpace_ and/or became my FACEBOOK fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/LabSpace#!/pages/LabSpace/395589553823?ref=ts

Thank you!


Challenge It's Easter: the winner!! The new theme!

Congrats to the new winner of the challenge: Madaboutpink !!!
She made these lovely napkins, perfect for the Easter's  table.
And congrats to all : every month we have wonderful entries.

Congtaulazioni alla vincitrice del challenge: Madaboutpink!!!
Ha partecipato con questi bellissimi tovaglioli, perfetti per la tavola di Pasqua.
E complimenti a tutti: ogni mese abbiamo bellissime entries!!

The new theme: Illusion!
As you know, we have changed the rules of the game and now it's more fun! You can win a feature on this blog and you'll be included in the post " We find for you " that will be published on thursday following the announcement of the winner!
So  Madaboutpink choosed the new theme: Illusion!

So, what are you waiting for? Let's play the game!!

The new rules:

-you have to be a member of Etsy Italia Team;

-you have to create a new item inspired by the theme of the challenge, and you have to list it in your Etsy shop;

-you have to list your new item on 13th of May;

-the game starts now and will end at 22.00 of May 13th;

- convo me your entry (the link of your list on Etsy) at I bijoux dello Stregatto on Etsy;

- from 15th May to 21th May you can vote your favorite item. On the 22th of May we'll announce the winner.

Happy Easter!

Il nuovo tema: Illusioni!
Abbiamo cambiato le regole del gioco e adesso partecipare sarà più divertente! Potete vincere una feature su questo blog e sarete inclusi nel post "We find for you" che sarà pubblicato il giovedì successivo alla proclamazione del vincitore!
Abbiamo anche un'altra novità: IL VINCITORE SCEGLIERA' IL NUOVO TEMA!
Madaboutpink ha scelto, e il nuovo tema è: Illusioni!
Cosa aspettate? Partecipate al gioco!!

Le nuove regole:

-devi essere un membro dell' Etsy Italia Team;

-devi creare un nuovo oggetto ispirato al tema e metterlo in vendita nel tuo negozio Etsy;

-devi mettere in vendita il tuo oggetto il 13 Maggio;

-il gioco inizia ora e treminerà il 13 Maggio alle 22.00;

-mandami una convo su Etsy con il link alla tua creazione a :
I bijoux dello Stregatto;

-dal 15 al 21 Maggio puoi votare il tuo oggetto preferito;

-il 22 Maggio proclameremo il vincitore.

Buona Pasqua a tutti!!

16 aprile 2011

La creatività incontra la rete

"Il team di artisti, artigiani, creativi italiani su Etsy, promuove l’incontro-evento tra tecnologia e creatività al Faenas Cafè con mercatino, promozioni, mostra e corner informativi."
Questo il messaggio e in effetti l'evento al Faenas Cafè il 13 maggio 2011 sarà un'esperienza ricca e multimediale da gustare a partire alle ore 20.00 insieme a molti di noi.

Al piano terra del locale troverete una mostra-mercato delle creazioni di alcuni artsiti e artigiani del team, la presentazione sugli schermi del locale delle foto di alcune opere o degli stessi artisti al lavoro, il collegamento in streaming per poter seguire la prima parte della serata e mandare messaggi attraverso Twitter.
I visitatori e i clienti del Cafè potranno inoltre chiedere direttamente a noi informazioni su Etsy e sul team, segnalare la loro email per ricevere gratuitamente i cataloghi stagionali del team e le novità, godersi una serata diversa dal solito con altre deliziose sorprese. Senza dimenticare la serata organizzata dal Faenas Cafè tutti i giovedì e venerdì sera con musica e possibilità di food+drink.
Intanto un assaggio della serata. Cliccando su uno dei due link qui sotto potete scaricare e stampare un buono, non cumulabile, che vi permetterà di avere il 10% di sconto sull'acquisto della maggior parte degli oggetti presenti ai tavoli del team la sera del 13.
Vi aspettiamo! :)

Per chi ha un animo romantico: Buono sconto

Per chi ha un animo moderno: Buono sconto

15 aprile 2011

The challenge: It's Easter!

It's Easter! The sweetest and the most beautiful celebration of the spring!
EIT it's here to celebrate with you!
Choose your favorite creations, you can vote until the 21st of April at 10.00PM!

E' Pasqua! La più dolce e la più bella festa della Primavera!
EIT è qui per festeggiarla insieme a voi!
Scegliete la vostra creazione preferita, potete votare fino al 21 Aprile alle 22.00.

1 Callmemimì - Hand crocheted pink collar necklace

2 CloudNumberNine - Chocolate Praline Necklace
3 MairiTales - Easter Shabby Chic Little Cake Miniature

4 Knittingcate - Egg cozies

5 AtelierPompadour - Flower Rabbit Brooch

6 Mireloom - Handwoven Shawl soft cloud

8 PassionArte - Lovely chicks wedding cake toppers

14 aprile 2011

We Find For You

Origami flowers cupcakes - by TheUnbirthdayParty
Painting miniature tapestry - by nerina52
Terenzio the turtle - by Contemori
Flower fox brooch - by atelierpompadour

Collage created by babu106

13 aprile 2011

TREASURY CHALLENGE #3 - Vote your favourites!

We have a great selection of lovely treasury dedicated to Weddings, take a look, choose your favourite and invite your friends! You can vote until April  19th, 23:00 (CET).

Avete realizzato una bellissima selezione di treasury tutte dedicate ai Matrimoni, guardatele attentamente e scegliete la più bella! Avete tempo per votare fino al 5 Aprile alle 23:00 (ora italiana).

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

6 aprile 2011

TREASURY CHALLENGE #3 - Outdoor weddings

And the winner of the second treasury challenge dedicated to spring is..

E il vincitore del secondo treasury challenge dedicato alla primavera è..


Welcome to the third edition of treasury challenge! Every two weeks, we organize a challenge in which everyone (not only EIT members!) can take part.
The aim of the Game is creating a treasury and, above all, having a lot of fun! Plus, you get the chance to win a prize: the winner will be included in 10 different treasury lists curated by members of Etsy Italia Team!

The topic of this challenge is:

Benvenuti alla terza edizione del treasury challenge! Ogni due settimane circa si terrà un concorso a tema a cui tutti (non solo i membri di EIT, quindi!) potete partecipare.
Lo scopo del gioco è creare una treasury per divertirci insieme. In più c'è un premio in palio: il vincitore avrà un posto assicurato in 10 treasury diverse fatte da membri dell'Etsy Italia Team!

Il tema di questo round è:


Rules to take part in the challenge:
1) Create a treasury dedicated to Outdoor Weddings;
2) In the field for the Curator’s comments, enter:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/04/treasury-challenge-3-outdoor-weddings.html
3) Tag your treasury with these two tags: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge";
4) Add your comments to at least 4 treasury lists of shops taking part in the challenge. To find these, take a look at the end of this post;

Regole per prendere parte al gioco:
1) creare una treasury dedicata ai Matrimoni all'aperto;
2) nel campo dedicato al commento del curatore, inserite la frase:
Collection curated for the Etsy Italia Team Treasury Challenge: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com/2011/04/treasury-challenge-3-outdoor-weddings.html
3) taggate la vostra treasury con questi due tag obbligatori: "etsyitaliateam", "challenge";
4) commentate almeno altre 4 treasury che partecipano al challenge, per trovarle date un'occhiata alla fine di questo post;

Deadline for submitting your Treasury:
April 12th, 23:00 (CET)
If you want to take part, send a convo to CloudNumberNine giving the link to your treasury and the nicknames of the 4 treasury lists you have commented. After that you can also add your link in our linky tool at the end of this post (please, use your nickname as submission title).

May the challenge begin! Have fun!

Termine ultimo per inviare la vostra Treasury:
12 Aprile, ore 23 (CET - ora italiana)
Per inviare la vostra adesione, mandate una convo a CloudNumberNine specificando il link della vostra treasury e i nickname dei curatori delle 4 treasury che avete commentato. Fatto questo potete aggiungere la vostra treasury in fondo a questo post grazie al linky tool (per favore, scrivete il vostri nickname come titolo per l'invio).

Buon Divertimento!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

1 aprile 2011

TREASURY CHALLENGE #2 - Vote your favourites!

We have a great selection of lovely treasury dedicated to Spring, take a look, choose your favourite and invite your friends! You can vote until April  5th, 23:00 (CET).

Avete realizzato una bellissima selezione si treasury tutte dedicate alla primavera, guardatele attentamente e scegliete la più bella! Avete tempo per votare fino al 5 Aprile alle 23:00 (ora italiana).

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